Thursday, 2 September 2010


Hi everyone I am up for Beefeater Photographer of the year and need public votes i know that this is a massive pain and you probaly cant be bothered but the prize could really help me, paula and ollie! also if you could get everyone you know to vote thank i really appreciate it

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Prosecco wine!!!

Ok so at some point in the near future i will write some thing on the subject of either poor/fashion photography but for now I have decided to have a rant at the price of my partner's and I favorite wine Prosecco.
Right since Jamie Oliver blurted out on one of Sainsburys (British supermarket) adverts how great it is the price has just gone up and up and up! and this is really getting on my nerves. A bottle used to cost around £4 now has risen to at its lowest £7 and a lot more for others. and all because one person mentions it on the tv. please in future jaime keep some things to your self!

Friday, 27 August 2010

just wanted to say thanks to ashley for becoming my first follower!!!! yay Ashley

Checking my email every 10mins!!!!!

So as i posted yesterday I have a applied for a job as a retoucher (of-course this isn't the only job i have applied for but defiantly one of my favorites) and since applying i have been checking my emails every ten minutes only to be disappointed time and time again.
why do we set our selfs up for a fall? kidding our selfs that, that elusive email will be waiting only 2 seconds after we last checked?

how about some images!

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Morning all

Right I am before the cockerel has sounded the alarm due to my little bundle of joy (Ollie) so thought I'd put up some images.

here you go..........................................
My Student of the Year shotlisted image!

get me that job!!!

Ok so due to my absolute poorness, i have begun the job process. I applied for a job today at a retouching company and soooooooooo hope I get it! so if you are the job in question and being sneaky I REALLY WANT TO WORK FOR YOU! MY BABY WILL STARVE WITHOUT YOUR EMPLOYMENT!!!!
on a creative note I am looking forward to next weeks shoot and think it will be a good one, think Tim Walker meets Jeurgen Teller. will post them sometime next week.

Thanks if anyone is actually reading this, although with no followers probably not!

Monday, 23 August 2010

James Dewar-Haggart's world of positive poorness

ok so everyone's doing it, so I too have decided to create my own personal blog. I am not that sure that any one will read it as i only read a few my self! I would ask that you overlook my terrible grammar and spelling as i am slightly very cixelsyd!.
I am currently going through a slightly difficult stage in life, my partner/love of my life gave birth to my son 5 months whilst i was finishing my degree and i couldn't of been happier! now i have finished my degree things have changed, for one my loan payments have stopped going into my account and we have really started to feel the financial pinch of life and second my sleep has been fully disrupted by little Oliver!, but we all know that creativity cant stop so i have carried on making images and this is what i want to use this blog for posting new work and the way i created it (on the cheap).

here are some examples of my work so far!

so that was from a shoot i did a couple of months ago and i felt it was a success.

and these were from a shoot i did 2 weeks ago.
I will update next with idea's for my next shoot happening on the 31st which is next tuesday!